We have a MeToo situation!

Fast and efficient

When you are in a MeToo scenario and need professional expertise support and fast handling.

What you will experience
  • We bring experience, speed, overview, decisiveness, and an effective toolbox for this particular scenario.
  • Facilitation of you and your co-worker’s teamwork when making solid decisions under pressure
  • Leaning on our expertise and support when navigating the situation
  • We can handle some of the tasks you do not have in-house expertise for: like crisis communication, stakeholder management, crisis execution, referral to psychological help, legal assistance, etc. 
  • Acute hands-on management sparring and decision-making focus, internal and external communication framework and wording
  • Acute sparring/development of the design of contact policy and HR processes for direct implementation
  • Training in #MeToo: Dilemmas, strong leadership- and dialog methods. Referral to our skilled and experienced #MeToo experts within law, HR processes, therapy, crisis management and brandin
  • Evaluation of the process and implementation of the Process Package